Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Does anyone else see a resemblance?

My dad

Elder Bednar


  1. WOW! Twinners! Does your Dad think they look alike? I definitely think so.

  2. oh hahha. i never thought of that, but yes i can see it!

  3. Are you kidding? We've been saying that since the day Elder Bednar was called, seriously! It's rather remarkable! :)

  4. I noticed it too! I just thought I'd make a post because yesterday Justin said his facebook profile pic made him look like a general authority:)

  5. HAHAHAHA. I thought it was a picture of the same person at first.

    And YOU ARE MISSING OUT. On watching So You Think You Can Dance with me, because since you're gone I don't have any one's love sac to go sit on and watch it!

  6. how did i never think of this before!? that is spot on!

  7. Yes I see it!

    I can't believe how cute Sebastian is. I love the photos from the previous post. He looks like you! Do people tell you that? Does it make you so happy you could cry? (me too).

    I loved your comment on Nichelle's blog about Sebastian being the same weight as Oscar. I think Oliver is his same height! So funny how different all our babies are, but of course I love every one of them!

  8. I have thought that ever since I met your dad in SD. :)
