Sunday, June 27, 2010

We tried

I wanted to try and get some mommy/baby pictures since we don't really have many. They all turned out really horrible! At least the surroundings were pretty.

Drunk baby...
Funny face...
Weird smile mommy... Not ready...
Still not ready...
Baby still not ready...


  1. these are beautiful pictures dana! i can tell you love being a mommy! so darling. are you coming to nashville on july 5th? please say yes!

  2. i love him eating his feet! that is sooo cute! i love his smile, he's so happy! oscar has that exact striped outfit from gap in the mommy and me pictures and i would bet you it is the same size that Sebastian is wearing right now-6mo right? Also I want to thank you for his 6mo clothing that you gave him unintentionally that fits him perfectly. You gave some boy stuff to Alison before she knew it was a girl and she passed it along to me. We love them and they fit the little 6 week baby just great. Sorry if you're mad about this. I love sebastian

  3. Did you even have a baby? You look soo skinny! These pictures are so cute.

  4. You look so good! My favorite is "not ready." Cute toe eating pictures too!

  5. You are gorgeous! Can I please have your beautiful hair?

    You're baby is not too bad himself. :) Seriously adorable.

  6. dana, you look so good! beautiful photos! ;) your little guy is so cute
    -sydney barborka (saw your blog on carlie's list! :) )

  7. AHHHHH COME BACK TO UTAH!!!! i want to hold this little guy again!!!! and you!!!!

  8. AHHHHHH! You both look so good! I'm so sad that you aren't here! Stop being so skinny, you're already giving me complex! When are you getting back!

    Oh, and as Nichelle told you, I decided the giant baby Oscar probably needed those cute onesies more than Gigi. (But I kept the socks and the polar bear one :)!

  9. dana you are soooo SKINNYYY.. omg. u are hot!
